All For You


Hi reader!

Thank you for reading this blog. I appreciate you.

I didn’t plan on writing this blog but the urge to write couldn’t be resisted. So here we go!

Yesterday afternoon, I hurt myself at work, and one of my colleagues escorted me to get an injection. For me and most people who hate needles, I had to remain calm to allow the nurse do her thing because I wasn’t going to allow the injection to go wrong. It’s been a really long time since I had an injection on my arm so the feeling felt new…lol. 

In a few hours the pain in my arm started getting intense. It was worse than the wound I had injured. I had to take a painkiller to help relieve the pain before going to bed. And sleeping was quite a struggle for me too…lol. I rested my arm on a pillow while sleeping in a funny position, in order to minimise the pain in both my arm and foot. And even as I am writing this blog, my arm is

While in bed this morning, I imagined the pain Jesus Christ went through when he hanged onto the cross. His arms stretched out wide and were supported by nails. His feet hit into the wood with nails. His head was ornated with thorns as a crown. And he was pierced on every side with a spear or rod just to cause him more pain. Wow!

Jesus had no pillow to lay his hands on for support

Jesus had no painkillers to take, to help minimise his pain

Jesus had no one to give him water to quench his thirst

Jesus had no one to nurse him while he hanged onto that tree

All He had to do was endure the pain! He endured till he finally gave up his spirit! (Read here to read about how Jesus was crucified).  Isaiah 53: 3-5 states:

He was despised and rejected by mankind,

    a man of suffering, and familiar with pain.

Like one from whom people hide their faces

    he was despised, and we held him in low esteem.

Surely he took up our pain

    and bore our suffering,

yet we considered him punished by God,

    stricken by him, and afflicted.

But he was pierced for our transgressions,

    he was crushed for our iniquities;

the punishment that brought us peace was on him,

    and by his wounds we are healed.

Jesus Christ who was fully human, took on all your pain when he hanged on that cross. He switched places to take the enemy’s attacks on your behalf when he died for you. By dying once, he has made you perfect in him forever! Hebrews 10:14

When you cry, he feels it. When you worry, he feels it. When you are sick, he feels it. You know why? Because your life is hidden in Jesus Christ, which is hidden in God! Colossians 3:3 Isn’t this beautiful!

 In him you find your healing. In him you find your comfort. In him you find your confidence. In him you find your hope. Jesus Christ did this ALL FOR YOU!

Whenever you are in pain, just call onto Jesus. He will come quickly. Stop complaining and go before God with an expectation that he will take away that pain you are feeling. Not all pain wades off like magic, I must admit. There are some pains that take time to heal. Nevertheless, when you put your trust in Jesus that he will ease your pain, he will definitely do it! 

This is an encouragement to YOU! Don’t look elsewhere when you find yourself in pain, just look to one direction, JESUS CHRIST. He will do it!

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