

DATE: 23rd May, 2021


Ezek. 37:1-14;
Acts 2:1-21
John 16: 5-15

PSALTER- Psalm: 104:24-34


Today is Pentecost Sunday, or in other words, the birthday of the Church. Pentecost simply means “fiftieth” and refers to the celebration that is held fifty days after first fruits. The first fruits referred to the harvest and also refers to the day the Israelites left Egypt after their deliverance from Egypt after the Passover. In the Old Testament, Pentecost marked the day the Law was given on Mount Sinai and in the New Testament the day of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Church. Both the Law and the Holy Spirit were given at Pentecost but with completely different results. The giving of the Law led to the death of 3000 Israelites whereas the giving of the Holy Spirit led to the salvation of 3,000 unbelievers. Whereas the Law brought judgement, the Holy Spirit brought LOVE and LIFE. The Holy Spirit continues to bring love and life to unbelievers and the harvest that began on the day of Pentecost, continues today, and will continue until the end of the Church age.

Jesus told His men that it was “expedient” the He goes away. This word simply means that, it is profitable for the Disciples of Jesus for Him to leave.
In John 14:16, Jesus referred to the Spirit as “another Comforter.” The word “ANOTHER” comes from the word “allos” which refers to “one of the same kind or quality.” It implies a state of equality and sameness!

The Spirit is called by the name “COMFORTER.” This word comes to us from the Greek word “parakletos”. It refers to “an assistant, a helper. One who comes alongside of another to offer aid. It can refer to a defense attorney.” In reference to the Spirit, it refers to Him as One who comes alongside the saint of God to offer help for the journey. He comes to our aid. He encourages us. He teaches us those things we need to know.

It would be absolutely impossible to live the Christian life without the presence of the Holy Spirit. If He does not live within the child of God and give direction minute by minute, we would never be able to do the work of the Lord. Please bear in mind that even the Lord Jesus Christ lived His live solely in the power of the Holy Ghost, Matt. 3:17-18; Phil. 2:5-8. Jesus did not come into this world to live a God in a man’s suit. He came to live as a man, fulfilling all the demands of God’s righteousness. He came to live the kind of life that is possible only through the power of the Spirit of God.


The Holy Spirit is the agent of PENTECOST and the revelation of the love of God. God so loved us that He would not leave us as orphans but sent the Holy Spirit to be always present with us. He is a person and not a force or a thing as some believe.

The Bible also makes it clear that the Holy Spirit is God. Since God is love the Holy Spirit is also love. The Holy Spirit is love and out of love, He gives us spiritual life so that we can relate to God. God is Spirit and the only way to relate to Him is in spirit and in truth. The proof we belong to God is seen in our love, for God is love. We all need the Holy Spirit and whatever He did on the day of Pentecost He is still willing and able to do today.

The presence of the Holy Spirit is also to reveal and glorify Christ and fill us with His love. He is the One who enables the believer to understand the revelations of His perfect sacrifice.
He is that fierce shaking that wakes us up; reminds us that there is more to life than earning money, relentlessly pushing ourselves until we are tired, stressed and depressed. That’s what the Holy Spirit does – he REVITALIZES, RENEWS, REFRESHES, EMPOWERS, CREATES, he REMINDS, he GUIDES, he COMFORTS, the church, those in the church and those whom he touches outside the church.

Pentecost was never intended to be a once only affair. Today we are celebrating the fact that the coming of the Holy Spirit is a daily event in the life of the Christian and of the church.

▪The Holy Spirit speaks to us the truth about God and shows us the love of the Father and the self-giving of the Son. He testifies to the truth that Jesus is the Son of God, that He was born in Bethlehem, became a human to save us through his death on the cross and his resurrection from the grave. He guarantees that the promises of God in the Bible are true.
▪The Holy Spirit testifies of who we are. We are God’s children, we are spirit-filled people. For each of us our Pentecost occurred when we accepted Him as Lord and Saviour.
▪The Spirit gives us the power to live as children of God. Through the Spirit working in and with us, God is no longer distant and remote; the cross and resurrection of Christ are more than historical events, now they are part of our being.
▪The Spirit binds us together into the church. There can be little doubt that all of us are individuals; no one is alike. We have our unique talents and gifts. We come from different backgrounds. In fact we can be so different that it can be hard to agree and get on together. Nevertheless, it has survived over so many centuries in spite of the diversity of its members. That’s what makes the church so special. The Spirit binds us together in order to care for one another, love one another, pray for one another, encourage one another, help one another as we share the Good News about Jesus with others.
Without the Holy Spirit there would be no Christians and no Church. The gospel message would be unknown. The world would be in a mess. There would be no hope of eternal life.

We cannot duplicate the events of Pentecost. We cannot go to Jerusalem, enter the upper room and wait to be filled with the Spirit. The Holy Ghost has already come, and baptized every person who is saved, 1 Cor. 12:13. We cannot duplicate the miracles of that day. The miracles are God’s doing. While we cannot duplicate the events of that day, WE CAN DUPLICATE THE CONDITIONS THAT EXISTED AMONG THE PEOPLE THAT DAY.

We can see the Lord move in our midst in power and glory in these days, just as He moved in those days. I believe that we need another Pentecost! When we create an atmosphere like the one that existed in the church on that day, we will see Him move in power among us in these days.
One of the striking characteristics of the early church in the day of Pentecost was that they were together “with one accord”. The word “accord” means “to have one mind.” These early disciples, all 120, Acts 1:15, were united in their desire to seek the face of the Lord, Acts 1:14! Love and Unity was the calling card of the early church, and it should mark us as well. If we want the Lord’s presence and power in these days, then God’s people are going to have walk together in Love and unity.

We Need Another Pentecost! We need a move of God in these days like the early church enjoyed in those days. But, if that is to happen, there must be Love and unity among God’s people.

Precious One! We need another Pentecost! It will come when walking and working together! Come Holy Spirit, give us LOVE. Enjoy the SERVICE. Stay Blessed.


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