What you didn’t know about Cucumber


Cucumbers are very essential for boosting one’s health and need to be included in your diet often. It’s mostly identified as a vegetable but it is actually a fruit according to botanists. 

This fruit/vegetable is low in calories and contains a good amount of water and fibre. It contains high beneficial contents and is an antioxidant which is good for your health and prevents  some conditions.

Cucumbers can be eaten raw or eaten with food. Because of it’s soft nature, most people prefer to eat it raw in a salad or with their food without cooking it.

What didn’t you know about cucumbers? Here are 7 benefits this nutritious fruit has for you:

  • It promotes hydration

Cucumbers contain about 96% of water making it effective to promote hydration. This is beneficial to help in your daily fluids needs.

  • It contains high nutrients

Cucumbers are low in calories but contain important vitamins and minerals such as: vitamin C, magnesium, protein, fiber, potassium and vitamin K. To benefit from all the nutritious content in cucumbers, they should be eaten in their normal state. Peeling them reduces the amount of fibre, certain vitamins and minerals.

  • It contains antioxidants

Cucumbers contain antioxidants which block oxidation which may reduce the risk of certain chronic illnesses. Such illness has been associated with heart, lung, autoimmune disease or cancer. 

  • It can help in weight loss

Due to cucumbers containing low calories and high amounts of water, they can help in weight loss.

  • Promotes regular bowel movement

Eating cucumbers regularly helps with your bowel. The high content of water in cucumber promotes hydration which is good in regulating your stool to prevent constipation.

Add cucumbers to your food and enjoy its nutritious benefits. Cucumbers can be eaten raw or mixed in salad for a delicious dish.

  • Skin treatment

Cucumber is good for skin treatment. It can be used to reduce puffiness around the eyes from stress, lack of sleep or taking too much alcohol. It also helps reduce dark circles around or beneath the eyes. Cucumbers contain silica, a compound that helps to lighten dark circles temporarily. Another benefit of cucumbers is to help in skin tanning. 

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