Flawed Strength

Tuesday Thrills

Whenever she stepped into a place, everyone acknowledged her gentle spirit, her smile, and her friendly demeanour. To her, the fact that she was quiet and relatively less loud, compared to many, encouraged her, because it was the reason she had few friends, who were good company, than bad. Her gentility was her strength, because it made her still in all situations–she was calm during rowdy events, and remained solemn during heated arguments. Her anger was a silent one. It was through this gentility that her dexterity in writing was actualized, because she was able to quietly observe and give all her attention, when one talked; she was a good listener.

One night, everything changed. She questioned her strength, because she was placed in the spotlight. She was given a task–a simple task at that; one that could question her ability as a writer, yet highlight her strength, which then, was seen as her flaw, as gentle. She was asked to play the role of a character from a story, but she couldn’t satisfy the expectations of the directors. At that point, what she viewed as her strength was ridiculed and criticized. “You’re too gentle.” They said in frustration. Apparently, it was through this same event she realised that her normal face, with no expression at all, was actually too smiley. She found many reasons to look down on herself, and think she was probably not cut out for the task. The only reason why she was at the event was so she could actualize her dexterity as a writer–she wasn’t prepared for a spotlight.

She continually questioned her capabilities and her strength. “Why can’t I play the character of a story? I’m a writer, after all. I mostly understand the character’s emotions and reactions.” She helplessly thought to herself. She was willing to quit the group and the event, as a whole.
However, in the stillness of her mind, as she realised her choice, her solemn inner voice spoke, “You have to point out how extremely relaxed you have been in your comfort zone. Your gentility has a voice of distinct influence, hence, maximize that voice instead. Don’t relent, because you have been moved from your comfort zone. Take it as an opportunity to actualize your strength. Most importantly, who is the repositioning from the comfort zone for, anyway? Definitely for a better you. Be gentle and brave.” She didn’t give up on the event. She gave it another shot; it might not have maximally satisfied the expectations of the directors, but it was definitely a step to a better her.

Since her experience at the event, Elena Peters never forgets to end her seminars with these words, “Your comfort zone has the ability to limit you. Take the bold step out of the ‘perfectly furnished bedroom’ and wholeheartedly serve Your Maker. Your strengths are never strengths, till you turn their demerits into merits.

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