What to consider before applying to graduate school


There’s a lot of preparation to consider when you want to go to graduate school. Whether you’re thinking of applying, in the process of applying or you are already enrolled, you have to put in all the work in preparing to be a graduate student. The preparation for a Masters or PHD application is similar to get you into grad school. Here are some ways to help you better prepare yourself for a successful graduate application:

  1. Plan

Excellence is achieved when you plan early and plan well. If you are considering going to graduate school, you have to start planning early as soon as you can. If you want to have your studies in your home country, you need to start looking for universities that offer the programs you want to do. Or, if you want to study abroad, you have to start looking out for universities that offer your programs, the country you want to study, and plan how you will fund your studies and accommodation.

  1. Research/Read ahead

Most of the students who are successful in going to graduate school are people who read more about their programs and their preferred universities. Visit the websites of your preferred university or universities to read more about their services. You will find a lot of helpful information which will enable you in your selection of a school, the fees, accommodation, climate or whether you are required to take a test or exam before being admitted.

  1. Tests/Exams

Some universities abroad require you to take a test or exam to be eligible for an admission. Some European universities will require you to take an IELTS exam first or present your results if you have already taken one, before being admitted. People coming from English speaking countries maybe required to present a letter of english language proficiency from their undergraduate university as proof that they meet the english language requirement. There are other universities, mostly in the USA who also require a GRE or GMAT results in their admission process. Others are SAT, TOFEL and your transcripts from your previous university. In any case, ensure you check the requirements of the school you are applying to first, to be informed about what they want.

  1. Leverage on network

You can’t have it all figured out. When you have doubts or questions, reach out to the school or department of the university you are interested in. Get to know current students or alumni and professors through the university’s website and interact with them. Through the process you will be able to build a network of people who will be willing and able to help you.

  1. Funding opportunities

If you want to go to school abroad, you need to start looking for funding opportunities such as scholarships, student loans or grants to fund your studies while you are away. You can search for funding opportunities in your home country or from the government of the country you want to school. There are also banks that support students’ education through loans. Be well prepared of how you are going to fund your studies before you leave.

6. Be mentally prepared

Graduate school is more demanding than undergraduate school. You have to be mentally ready to be able to face all obstacles you may encounter. Being in graduate school needs your full attention. Writing thesis, undertaking researches and excelling in class assignments are things you need to consider to be successful in graduate school. In all, you have to be ready to meet the demands of graduate school.

You can now start your journey in gaining admission to your dream university. Put all the hard work and achieve great results. All the best!

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